British Virgin Islands is a British overseas territory consisting of 60 small islands. They are scattered in the north-eastern Caribbean to the east of Puerto Rico and are well known for their virgin beauty. The islands are surrounded by white sand beaches and crystal clear water – and for years are known to be the “sailor’s paradise”. The main language is English and the main currency is the US dollar.

Since British Virgin Islands are a part of British overseas territory, the head of the state is the Queen. The Governor acts as Her Majesty’s representative and is responsible for the internal affairs. The British Virgin Islands are one of the oldest and most respected financial centres in the world. Zero taxes it makes the jurisdiction the ideal place to incorporate offshore or to do banking.

Key Corporate Features

Basis of Legal System Common
Type of Company BVIBC
Tax on Offshore Profits Nil
Redomiciliation Permitted Yes
Time to Form 5 days

Corporate Requirements

Minimum Shareholders 1
Minimum Directors 1
Corporate Administration
Corporate Directors Permitted Yes

Local Requirements

Registered Office/Agent Yes
Company Secretary No
Director No
Meetings No

Public Filings

Directors No
Shareholders No
Beneficial Owners No

Annual Filing Requirements

Annual Return Yes
Audited Accounts No